Aligning budgetary planning and management to the SDGs for a global humanitarian agency
Client Challenge
A UN agency needed to align its budgetary planning, management and reporting and supporting software infrastructure to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
VfG Contribution
- Created an agency-wide expert working group involving country offices, regional bureaux and headquarter departments to act as key sounding boards for designing the solution.
- Conceptualized, prototyped and tested a new budgeting and resource management model that links organisational budgets and expenditures to SDG targets
- Coordinated the finalisation of business requirements for IT system changes
- Facilitated senior decision-making workshops along each phase of the project to secure organisational buy-in
- The new budget model was approved by the Executive Board and was subsequently implemented across country offices worldwide
Impact on Client & Society
- Transparency over funds planned vs. raised vs. disbursed against SDGs creating greater accountability to host governments and donors
- A refined IT architecture with linkages between spending (inputs), outputs and outcomes enabling those in charge of humanitarian response efforts to better manage for results
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