Every year, hundreds of billions get poured into programmes aimed at solving the world‘s most pressing challenges: Official Development Assistance in 2018 was at $149.3 billion, global annual foundation expenditures are estimated at $150 billion (Harvard Hauser Institute) and more than $30 billion is raised annually by NGOs in OECD member countries alone.
But is this funding really achieving the best possible results for society?
We believe that impact must be the primary objective and management criterion for all investments made with the intention of solving societal challenges.
This means getting to the root causes of issues and ensuring resources are focused on the right problems. It means re-orienting strategies and operating models to address the right target groups. It means understanding impact value chains and leveraging existing solutions that are proven to work - innovating where there are gaps - and constantly monitoring and evaluating outcomes for continuous learning and improvement.
for Foundations & NGOs
for special projects of a UN organization
for NGO partners of a global chemicals conglomerate
Value for Good GmbH
Französische Straße 47, 10117 Berlin, Germany
+49 (0) 30 20 45 46 70