To achieve sustainable mobility, prevent epidemics and encourage life-long learning, partnerships across the private, public and social sectors are essential. An ideal cross-sector partnership leverages the unique and complementary strengths of each party and takes advantage of synergies, leading to more efficient and effective initiatives delivered at scale.
Partnering is easier said than done – different organisational cultures and processes need to come together to form a cooperation that respects unique organisational realities.
We believe there is a serious lack of experienced cross-sector navigators who can act as neutral brokers for partnerships that truly move the needle on societal issues. This is why from the very beginning, we decided to work with clients from across all sectors. Over the past five years, we have developed a talent base that understands the language and working norms of each sector and have become effective bridge builders across traditional silos.
for development agency on sustainable textile manufacturing
for job creation program of ministry of social affairs
Value for Good GmbH
Französische Straße 47, 10117 Berlin, Germany
+49 (0) 30 20 45 46 70