Französische Straße 47
10117 Berlin, Germany 

+49 (0) 30 470 159 97

You are keen to combine financial returns with impact on people and planet? 

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You need professional support?

Impact investing is complex - but we offer a helping hand in every step of the way. Get in touch with us!

Thomas Brand


What our clients say about us

Who we are 

We are Value for Good - a consulting company specialised in social and ecological impact, having contributed to all SDGs with +230 client engagements so far.

What we promise

We deliver when it comes to driving impact:

01 impact ambition

As a company 100% owned by a foundation, we are guided by our passion for impact and advocate for an impact-focused approach.

02  significant expertise

We have significant expertise in supporting impact strategy development, investment processes, portfolio management, impact reporting and external engagement across various client types and sectors.

03 passionate and specialised team

Our team of >30 employees is highly passionate about and specialised in social impact consulting, with prior experience in top-tier strategy consulting and impact-focused roles in leading organisations.

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